Masterpiece Couching & Consultation

  • Health

Do you want to make a difference and make money too? Become an Affiliate with Masterpiece Coaching Institute. You can help us reach others who want to make a difference by becoming a Certified Life Coach. The world is in need of more leaders who have values, show cultural competence, and true leadership. Masterpiece Coaching Institute (MCI) trains individuals to become leaders equipped with strategic skills and knowledge that will change lives and empower others to do the same! As an MCI Affiliate, you will help reach individuals and leaders around the globe who are ready to invite MCI into their organizations and add the MCI Life and Leadership Certification to their resources to help with day-to-day life struggles, job or retirement transition, financial issues, mental health concerns, dating challenges, marital struggles, and empower lost souls on the search for meaning, attention, and love. MCI Life Coaches are also Leadership Coaches who empower leaders to become great leaders who make a difference in organizations, churches, the military, corporations, as well as the most important unit, home. If you have a passion to help others, a go-get-it work ethic, and you want to help us make a global difference, I want you on our team! -Dr. Artis, Founder and CEO
